Sunday, January 31, 2010

Canada welcomes the world

I've just completed my first shift at the Vancouver Olympic Village. Today brought with it an onslaught of wonderful emotions, so I will try to recount a few...
Emotion 1: Sleepy. I awoke minutes before my 5am alarm following a night of minimal sleep. At 5:30 I hopped in the car for the dark, drizzling drive to the village. I couldn't help but admire my beautiful blue, crisp, clean uniform. Sleepiness was quickly replaced by excitement as I went to my first volunteer briefing session, still two hours before any sign of daylight. After a tour of the gorgeous village, I was ready to meet the rest of my team and start greeting the day's visitors.
Emotion 2: Heightened Canadian Pride. I am so excited to see the Olympics take place in a city and country which mean so much to me. I. LOVE. CANADA. I also happen to love Vancouver and the Olympics! Perfect.
Emotion 3: Glee. I don't know about you, but I love barcodes and scanning things. Even after a 9 hour shift, I wasn't tired of scanning people through the security checkpoints. Buh-beep! Green box around their mugshot, and the correct symbols on their accreditation badge. "Thank you! Go ahead!" Perhaps at this point you're wondering why I felt gleeful, of all things. Greeting people is just that much better when you're greeting members of international delegations who have just arrived from all over the world. New Zealand, Australia, Japan, USA, Sweden, Ukraine, Norway, Poland, Germany, to name a few...
Emotion 4: Gratitude for Canadian athletes. They are so down to earth! The Canadian speed skating team came through to pick up their accreditation, and in addition to my excitement in seeing them, I was so impressed by their casual, unassuming behaviour. I find it so refreshing when world class athletes, especially those in their own country, can exhibit such a modest demeanor. I love Canada.


  1. ALI!!!!! That sounds so wonderful!! I was hoping to hear about your first shift - awesome :)

    Keep the posts coming. You're a great writer and have such great things to write about!!

    Loving you from Seattle!!!

  2. I am so glad you are enjoying yourself!! I can't wait to hear about the opening ceremony :) So glad you get to have this experience and that I can live vicariously through you!
